The book has 326 Pages (DIN A4), contains 56 compositions (notation and tabs) and a lot of information (with pictures) in English and German.
It took a while before I decided to notate all the guitar compositions – with just a few exceptions – that I had written between 1995 and 2017. First and foremost, I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t forget some of the songs altogether after not having played them for a while. Also, I upload most of my songs on YouTube and viewers often ask me for notes or Tabs. I have already published tabs for a few of my pieces on this website. I still am not able to play at sight and still have trouble with standard notation. I put down my songs as tablatures and used a notation software (TablEdit) to transfer them into standard notation. One of the advantages of this method was that I could use the playback function to listen to the notation. Most of the time, what I heard wasn’t what I actually played and wanted to notate and the initial versions required a lot of editing. Most of the songs are accompanied by a few words about the process of their composition, the idea behind them and where they have been released, and in some cases I have also included pictures.
The book contains following compositions: Again No Mail, Albaicín, Amorgos Blues, Back on the Hill, Ballad for my Longing, Baros, Bernas, Bettina‘s, Black Hair and White Belt, Cappuccino, Cha Chou, Chair and Table, Corse, Cursive Reflection II, Davide, December, Dia Sec, Disappeared, Even Wine Didn’t Help, Firence S.M.N., Four Days, Goodbye Woody, Green Fingerdance, Hermigua, Home on the Bench, Hypnotic Steel, I May Come Back, I Miss Nona, Is the Spell Broken, Jardim Atlantico, Korčula, Lucca, Meet You at Odysseas, Music for S., Natural Enemy, Old Couple, Oshogbo, Pina, Portuguese Nightmare, Rain for the Lion, Retsina Hill, Ryder and Gray, São Miguel, Sliema, Song of Winter, Southern Comfort, Talking Fingers, Tension, That’s the Point, Third Coffee, Too Late for Breakfast, Underneath a Giant Redwood, Upwind, Walk or Ride, Waltz by Circumstances.